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Achievements ³É¿ƒ»Øî™


Achievements to date

Chinese New Year & Mid Autumn Celebrations:

The LCCA has worked in conjunction with other member organisations to stage the Chinese New Year and Mid-Autumn Festivals annually in Leeds. These cultural events have routinely brought together members of the Chinese community, and have made aspects of Chinese culture and arts accessible to members of the wider public. These events have had a number of effects on the Chinese and wider community ¨C the younger generation of UK born Chinese and members of the public receive an education on aspects of Chinese culture; the provision of an alternative form of entertainment in the city; and a public relations opportunity to enhance the reputation of the LCCA to a wider target audience ¨C media, arts organisations, community organisations, interest groups and individuals.

Working Partnership:

Between 2003-2006, the LCCA worked with Touchstone¡¯s Minority Ethnic Mental Health Opportunities (MEMHO) Healthy Living Centre to help to improve the health and well being of members of the Chinese community across the City of Leeds. The programme targeted minority ethnic communities and LCCA was able mobilise participants from its community. Between 26-30% of BME participants on this programme were from the Chinese community. During this period, the following were achieved: a) Promotion of healthy eating through seminars for the Chinese community; b) Health information workshops and health talks; c) Health check sessions for Chinese elderly; d) IT sessions to support access to health relating services for the Chinese community and, e) Massage sessions.

Provision of Community Facilities:

Over the years, the LCCA has been facilitating the Chinese Women¡¯s Group Luncheon for the elderly within the Chinese community, to promote healthy eating and social integration in order to minimise isolation.

Outreach activities: which provide cultural education for the second and third generations of Chinese people born in the UK (both youngsters and adults).


LCCA 2007/2014