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About 關於我們

LCMCS (Leeds Community Mandarin Chinese School) is a Saturday school that teaches Chinese language to children and young people. As a voluntary youth organization, we encourage and support them to understand various other aspects of Chinese culture. We also aim to develop their emotional stability and to stimulate their talents, self-esteem and confidence.

LCMCS is a joint initiative between the Yorkshire Chinese community and Prince Henry’s Grammar School Specialist Language College, Otley. We have been benefiting from staff support to professional advices from PHGS. We have also been supported by Education Leeds including premises for running our classes. The School was formerly known as Leeds CSSA Chinese School but has been using the name of LCMCS since September 2000.

利兹市普通话中文學校成立于1995年,由利兹及鄰區華人,亨利王子文法學校以及利兹教育部 (Education Leeds)共同籌辦。学校的前身是利兹学联中文學校。我們的教育宗旨在于鼓勵和支持社區的孩子和年青人學習中文並了解中國文化,並同時注重發展他們各方面的能力。



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章程 Rules
Teaching aims
校園 Campus
圖書館 Library
師資 Teachers